24 Jul MGH大讲堂:中国近视眼的防控,一场没有硝烟的持久战[已结束/PAST]
沈洁副教授在上海交通大学医学院获得了医学博士和哲学博士学位,现为上海仁济医院南院副院长,中华医学会眼科学会上海斜视与小儿眼科学组副组长,上海视力残疾专家委员库成员。澳大利亚昆士兰理工大学视光学院和瑞典St. Erik眼科医院访问学者。
时间: 2017年7月26日,周三,5-6点
地点: Room 3110, Simches Research Center, 185 Cambridge St., Boston, MA 02114
郑重声明:本次MGH大讲堂演讲嘉宾的演讲内容不代表MGH CSSA的观点。MGH CSSA拥有对MGH大讲堂相关宣传内容的所有版权和发布权,转载请注明出处。
Myopia prevention and control:a perpetual battle against the disease in China
In a long-term endeavor, Prof. Jie Shen dedicates herself to the management of strabismus, amblyopia and ametropia. She has higher reputation in this field and specializes in complex strabismus surgery and refractive correction in children.
Speaker:Jie Shen
Prof. Jie Shen obtained M.D. and Ph.D. in Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine. She further studied in the Queensland University of Technology in Australia and St. Erik Eye Hospital in Sweden. She is the Vice President of Shanghai Renji Hospital, South Campus, Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine.
Prof. Jie Shen also dedicates to genetic testing and studies of autoimmune eye diseases in children using basic and clinical research approaches. As principal investigator, Prof. Jie Shen is currently in charge of three grants from Shanghai during the past five years. She is the associate head of Shanghai strabismus and Pediatric Ophthalmology Group, Chinese Medical Association Ophthalmology Society and a member of the Committee of experts on visual disability in Shanghai.
Time: 5-6pm, July 26 (Wed), 2017
Room 3110, Simches Research Center, 185 Cambridge St., Boston, MA 02114
RSVP: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/mgh-tickets-36260968533
Refreshments will be provided.
Statements: The speaker does not represent the views of MGH CSSA. MGH CSSA holds the copyrights and rights to interpretation and distribution of the contents of MASS GENERAL TALK. Reprint is allowed only with reference to the original announcement.
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Harvard Email: cssa@mgh.harvard.edu
Gmail: MassGeneralCSSA@gmail.com
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