24 Jul MGH大讲堂:“针灵”临床报告[已结束/PAST]
2017年7月25日下午5点,潘晓川教授将在哈佛大学医学院麻省总医院做一次经典中医“针灵”的公开演讲。题目是:“Reports on acupuncture treatments by pulse-regulating technique”。目的是帮助西医了解经典中医,为今后的科研合作打下基础。

The SustainableVegan Lifestyle
演讲内容: “灵枢”是针经。其最重要的思想是“无问其病以平为期”,就是不需要问诊,用针把脉调平就可以达到治病“如风吹云”的效果。古人是如何做到的呢?现今有人会这种技术么?这次讲座的目的就是详细讲解“灵枢”思想,演示“针灵”调脉技术,并且引用学员数千病例反馈来说明这个技术的可操作性及可重复性。其适应症包括痛症以外的多种疑难杂症。
地点: O’Keeffe Auditorium Blake Building, 1st Floor Massachusetts General Hospital 55 Fruit St, Boston, MA 02114
注册链接: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/mgh-tickets-36256055839
Title: Reports on acupuncture treatments by pulse-regulating technique
According to Chinese medicine classic “Ling Shu”, by taking the pulse, practioner could tell the Qi’s condition of patients. By making the pulse on both wrists in balance, different illness and health conditions will be cured or corrected. The acupuncture technique designed to regulate pulse is named “acupuncture spirit”. Dr. Pan trained many acupuncturists all over the world and reports on different conditions were collected to show that this technique is simple and reliable method to help patients.
- Old and new concept of pulse-regulation from Ling Shu;
- Technique to make the concept work;
- Thousands of reports from acupuncturists all over the world to show it works well and gain unbelievable results.
Speaker: Dr. Xiaochuan Pan
Professor Xiaochuan Pan is a classic Chinese medicine scholar, researcher, practitioner, promoter, senior Chinese medicine practitioner (Canada), deputy chief physician (China), professor (China). He is a special advisor to the Canadian College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, a visiting clinical expert at Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, a visiting professor of Anhui University of Traditional Chinese Medicine and a consultant of the Swiss Chinese Medicine Association. His works are illustrated in “Classic Chinese Medicine”(English version), 2013; “Acupuncture”, 2014 and “Medicine”, 2014.
Time: July 25, Tuesday 5-6pm
Venue: O’Keeffe Auditorium Blake Building, 1st Floor Massachusetts General Hospital 55 Fruit St., Boston, MA 02114
RSVP: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/mgh-tickets-36256055839
Website: cssa.mgh.harvard.edu
Harvard Email: cssa@mgh.harvard.edu
Gmail: MassGeneralCSSA@gmail.com
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